This is our seventh monthly email update for the DEVELOP project.
- Emma Falkeid Eriksen, from UiO, has joined the team. Emma is a PhD stipendiat who has a lot of experience with the praxis course at UiO, and she will be collaborating with Susanne (UiB) and Truls (UiT) on interpreting the focus-group transcripts.
- Kelly Lane and Ariel Steele, our University of Minnesota colleagues on the project, are IN NORWAY NOW! They are visiting all three partner locations and learning all the most important things about Norway—Northern Lights, brunost, and all-day coffee.
- I write this update from the University of Tromsø, where we have conducted our second focus group, with 4 representatives from student-hosting institutes. We are also working with the students to develop a plan for extracting meaning from the focus-group data. While in Tromsø, Gro arranged for us to meet with colleagues from Fiskerihøgskolen. They are engaged in a project quite similar to ours—learning from praxis hosts and creating small modules to help them prepare for, and supervise, their students. It was nice to share perspectives and we plan to continue the dialogue, with the hope of an eventual collaboration.
- Kristin spoke on behalf of DEVELOP at the Geopraxis Conference here at UiT yesterday (October 13). Kristin also attended the HKDir-sponsored meeting, “Tiltak for økt arbeidsrelevans,” for arbeidsrelevans projects, September 29 in Bergen. Thanks for representing us, Kristin!
- Our Oslo-area focus group (the third of three…or maybe four?) is coming up: October 21st! Several of us will be in Oslo for both that focus group as well as a follow-up meeting with the student research technicians.