- Susanne has finished transcribing the first focus-group session (and we will code this input in the Fall).
- Ariel Steele has joined the team. Ariel is a postdoctoral associate in Kelly Lane’s lab at the University of Minnesota, and she will be working on the qualitative assessment with our student researchers.
- Our Tromsø-area focus group (the second of three) is coming up: October 13th! Ariel and Kelly will be here for both that focus group as well as a follow-up meeting with the student research technicians, ideally the following day in Tromsø.
- We are currently planning our Fall focus group in Oslo.
- We also need to plan our whole-group meeting for early 2023—January or February, perhaps? Here, we will use data from past courses and our current focus-group efforts to design the DEVELOP tutorials.