Hei alle sammen, I have been quiet, but don’t be fooled: the DEVELOP team has been active! This is the 13th email update for our project. UPDATES: We are entering our 3rd and final year of the project. Our first manuscript is almost ready for submission, and I am the […]
This is our twelfth email update for the DEVELOP project. It is not a monthly email, as before, because somehow I missed three entire months. So, it is a Spring 2023 Update and perhaps we will just go to quarterly updates…? But let me know if you need to hear from me more often and I will be sure […]
Hi DEVELOP team! This is our eleventh monthly update for the DEVELOP project. UPDATES: We had our in-person meeting in Oslo last week to (a) meet several team members in person, (b) learn about what the students are seeing in the focus-group transcripts, and (c) start planning the modules. The […]
Hei DEVELOP team! This is our tenth monthly email update for the DEVELOP project. UPDATES: Our focus-group transcripts are finished, and the research team (Emma, Truls, Susanne, Kelly) continues coding those transcripts. These findings will be shared with the group at our meeting in February. UPCOMING: Our all-group meeting is scheduled […]
Hei DEVELOP team! This is our ninth monthly email update for the DEVELOP project. UPDATES: Our focus-group transcripts are almost finished, and the research team (Emma, Truls, Susanne, Kelly) is coding those transcripts. These findings will be shared with the group in February. UPCOMING: Our all-group meeting is scheduled for February […]
This is our eighth monthly email update for the DEVELOP project. UPDATES: We conducted our third focus group at UiO on October 21st, and then Kelly and Ariel worked with the research team (Kristin, Emma, Truls, and Susanne) to start interpreting our focus-group transcripts. It was great to meet with […]
This is our seventh monthly email update for the DEVELOP project. UPDATES: Emma Falkeid Eriksen, from UiO, has joined the team. Emma is a PhD stipendiat who has a lot of experience with the praxis course at UiO, and she will be collaborating with Susanne (UiB) and Truls (UiT) on […]
This is our sixth monthly update for the DEVELOP project. UPCOMING: Our Tromsø-area focus group (the second of three) is coming up: October 13th! Ariel and Kelly will be here for both that focus group as well as a follow-up meeting with the student research technicians, the following day in […]
This is our fifth monthly email update for the DEVELOP project. We skipped July for the Norwegian summer holiday… I hope it was lovely for everybody (and I hope our North American colleagues got some break!). UPDATES: Susanne has finished transcribing the first focus-group session (and we will code this […]
This is our fourth monthly email update for the DEVELOP project. UPDATES: We have a date for our Tromsø-area focus group: October 13th! More details on that to come. The UiT team has hired a student research technician: Truls Aaby. Truls is on his second year of a bachelor’s degree […]