What is DEVELOP?

DEVELOP is a three-year program, involving collaborators from the Institute of Marine Research, NORCE, the University of Bergen, the University of Oslo, the University of Tromsø, the University of Minnesota in the US, and two Centres for Excellence in Education—iEarth and bioCEED.

DEVELOP will focus on the work placement hosts, with the objective to increase the (learning) outcome for students, hosts and higher education institutions during work placements. DEVELOP seeks the continued input of many work-placement supervisors, in developing a series of on-line modules to assist in mentoring student workers. These modules will be based on a combination of theory, past program evaluation data, and in-depth assessment via student focus groups and host interviews. Stay tuned!

We are currently developing the website praksisveileder.no that aims at helping work-placement supervisors get ready for hosting our students. The website provides an overview of the important phases in the practice period as well as administrative support, documents and other digital resources. All contents are grounded in the contents of the interviews we have conducted with the hosts, and thus answer the needs they have expressed. Have a peek at the website here.

The project DEVELOP is funded by